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Lava Shader

A lava shader made in Unity and has several parameters defined by the user. It receives a texture, a mask, and a normal map (distortion map) as inputs. After that, the user can change things like:
- tilling and offset from each 2D image (texture, mask, and normal map)
- 2D images' scale
- Panning speed
- Transition of colors from one color to another
- Dissolve percentage
- Distortion, Heat/Wiggle, contrast, and brightness intensiveness
- Outline's color and percentage

This was created for a final school project at a Game Design course at Vancouver Film School called Isoun: The Hunt. It was good practice manipulating shader parameters for different outcomes.

Particle effects, textures, and models were used were created by Kav Golka and Lawson Coleman.

Shader set up with a few parameters

Shader set up with a few parameters

Shader set up with different parameters

Shader set up with different parameters

Lava shader used in context in the fireballs of Isoun: The Hunt.

Lava shader used in context in the fireballs of Isoun: The Hunt.

Amplify Shader Code

Amplify Shader Code